Developmental Services Program

People with developmental disabilities have the same interests as you or I. They want to live independently, hold a job and have close and meaningful relationships. Our Adult Protective Services Workers and Family Support Workers are there to help. If you have a developmental disability, we can help you get over the barriers that prevent you from reaching your goals.

We do that through:

Case Management:

We work with you to assess, plan, follow the plan, coordinate your services, monitor your progress, help you by explaining the pros and cons of all the services and supports available to you.


We work within the areas of education, health, housing and the law, to ensure that your rights are respected and to inform you of your rights. As advocates, we also work to help the community’s ability to connect with and involve people with developmental disabilities in all areas of daily life.

Person Centered Planning:

Together we develop and keep a plan for our work together. The plan is developed with you and promotes your choices, your services and supports, to your satisfaction, and building on your strengths and abilities. You can decide if you would like our help at any time. We do not assume that we know better than you. We do not try to be your boss or your parent.

If you would like our services, call us at 705-472-6515. Children and families can access us directly through this number. Adults, who are 18 years old or over, who need our services can apply through Developmental Services Ontario at 1-855-376-6376. Please ask for an APSW. There are no fees for these services.

Frequently Asked Questions