Partner Intervention Program (Women)

What is the Partner Intervention Program?

This psycho-educational women’s group is mandated for those charged with domestic violence offenses. It is designed to help women learn about the cycle of domestic violence and to educate them about abusive behaviours in intimate relationships.

Most of the participants are also victims of violence against women. Women are screened in advance of group participation and are expected to be accountable for their behaviour. Attendance and active participation are necessary for successful completion. Reports are submitted to the Crown Attorney or Probation and Parole.

What are the Goals of the Program?

  1. To increase awareness of abuse in intimate partner relationships.
  2. To learn new skills of self-control, non-violence, positive communication and conflict resolution.
  3. To take full responsibility for those behaviours.
  4. To build a support network that supports non-violence.

Where do you Start?

  1. Once you have been referred to the PIP program by the court, contact the Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing by phone or in person to complete an intake assessment.
  2. An assessment interview will then be schedule with you by the PIP facilitator who will explain the group progress to you further.
  3. You will then attend a total of 4 sessions that will be held at the Community Counselling Centre once a week for two hours.
  4. There is no fee for this program. We also offer a Partner Assault Response program for men who have been charged with domestic violence.

