All Clients Have The Right To:
- Respectful, professional counselling and advocacy services in either official language and to be advised of their rights.
- Respect for the individuals’ values and beliefs.
- Recognition of structural variables, including friends and family, community and social, cultural and spiritual needs.
- Have full information about fees and method of payment, when applicable, and subsidies available prior to receiving fee based services.
- Refuse treatment or a particular intervention strategy or make a complaint about our services. Please see our brochure in the waiting room.
- Ask questions at any time, express complaints, or appeal decisions regarding services.
- Have information regarding the counsellor’s qualifications to provide counselling services.
- Participate actively with counsellor in setting meaningful, relevant, and appropriate treatment goals.
- Experience a safe setting, free from physical, sexual or emotional abuse or discrimination of any kind, respecting all the freedoms as set out in the Human Rights Code
- Have full information regarding the limits of confidentiality and with whom and under what circumstances the counsellor may share information.
- Have access to view client records and provide a written response to anything contained in the client file.
- Be informed about the length of time that records are kept
- Terminate counselling services at any time.
- Information regarding after hours services available
- Receive a variety of agency approved direct service interventions as described in the corresponding job descriptions.
- An accessible area/room where a nursing mother may nurse an infant. The Centre recognizes, promotes and supports breastfeeding women while using our premises.
- To be engaged in developing and shaping programs and services.