What services are you looking for?

If you are in crisis, please call the crisis line at: 705-495-8198 or 1-800-352-1141.

Wait times vary for the different services. Please click on the appropriate button to access the service you need.

Addiction Services

Employee Assistance Program

Back on Track

Gender-based Violence

Family Support

Ontario Works

Partner Assault Response (PAR) or Partner Intervention Program (PIP)

If you are referred by your Probation Officer, have your Probation Officer FAX a PAR/PIP Partner Assault Response (Men) / Partner Intervention Program (Women) Referral to 705-472-4582.

PAR-referral-January-2023 (12)PAR-referral-January-2023-12

I am not looking for any of these services. Can I still speak with someone?

If you want to attend our Walk-In Clinic, you can register in-person on Tuesdays between 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm, at 361 McIntyre Street East.  For more information, call 705-472-6515.